Monday 8 February 2016

Nutritional Values Ascertains Healthy Eating

Healthy eating demands the nutritional value intake from a person’s diet which is dependent upon the overall balance of foods that are consumed over a period of time, in addition to the needs of an individual. A healthy diet is based on a variety of foods, from each of the essential food groups, as this permits us to obtain all the nutrients that we need.

Healthy eating requires that we should consume the right amount of energy in terms of calories or kilojoules from foods and drinks for maintaining energy balance. Energy balance is determined from the calories intake from the diet which is equivalent to the calories used by the body. For our daily lives, it’s good to obtain energy from foods and drinks but unnecessary consumption of more energy will lead to weight gain over a period of time. We know that overweight problems would succumb to the risk of developing diabetes, heart disease and some cancers in adulthood, and so maintaining a healthy weight also becomes significant for health.

From choosing to conscious eating, depends moreover on our eatwell plate which categorize the foods into five groups as displayed from wedges of different size.

•    Bread, rice, potatoes, pasta and other starchy foods
•    Fruits and Vegetables
•    Milk and dairy products
•    Meat, fish, eggs, beans and other non-dairy source of protein
•    Foods and drinks high in fat or sugar

Each of the groups offers a different range of essential nutrients, stressing the importance of a varied diet. No single food has all potentialities in providing everything we require. If we miss out a whole food group from the main four can make it more tedious for attaining a balanced diet.

The key to healthy eating in Livonia is moderation and balance. The eatwell plate is a guide to the proportion of foods that we consume from each food category and some of the categories are larger than other. Most of what we consume should come from ingredients shown in the two biggest food categories-starchy foods, fruit and vegetables. The meat, fish, eggs, beans group and the milk and dairy products categories are smaller, exhibiting that quantities from these categories should be less. Only occasional or limited intakes of foods high in fat and/or sugar is indicated by this being the smallest section. It is not essential to follow the model strongly at every single meal rather than focus in securing the balance between the different food categories which are right over the course of a day or even a week.

It becomes important that we continue to follow the proportions of the eatwell plate and in particular avoid overeating foods which are high in fat, sugar or salt, as this may be injurious to our health. Within a single category constitute different foods that offer you different selection of nutrients, so variety is ensured for obtaining many nutrients that are required to become healthy. Selecting from a variety of different foods from the first four categories in the list each day, consists of plenty of fruits, vegetables and starchy foods. 

Also, comprising some protein-rich foods such as meat, fish and lentils and some milk and dairy foods. One should consult the nutritional consultant beforehand before selection of their specific foods, as there are many foods and drinks for which we enjoy the taste and flavor and can also be a part of our healthy diet but can prove to be detrimental for our health. Its’ better to take advise from a doctor or dietician or nutritional consultant for restoring healthy eating in Livonia.